Information for our partners and customers:

ECOMOTIVE stores and uses contact information about contact persons and other relevant employees to our global business partners, as well as relevant information about our investors.

The European Union (GDPR) General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) regulates how ECOMOTIVE can use this information. According to the GDPR, information about individuals is called personal data and has a wide scope: anything that can be used to identify a person – a name, a bank account number, a photo – is personal data. Collecting, using, storing, and sharing information is called data processing. The GDPR is implemented by ECOMOTIVE.

ECOMOTIVE processes the following types of personal data of our customers:

  • Names, job titles, and task functions
  • IP addresses
  • Business address and other contact information, e.g. phone numbers and e-mail addresses

Legal basis for the elaboration of the GDPR:

ECOMOTIVE processes this personal data as a supplier in order to:

  • Comply with its contractual obligations and exercise its contractual rights,
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements as a supplier, e.g. reporting to tax authorities, customs, health and safety services, environmental authorities, law enforcement authorities and
  • address legal issues arising from his business relationships.

Furthermore, ECOMOTIVE processes this data because of its legitimate interests in:

  • Maintaining and strengthening its relations with customers in order to provide them with its products and services, including repair and maintenance,
  • Regularly providing current or potential customers with information about ECOMOTIVE’s products and services, e.g. in newsletters,
  • Improving the functionality and user experience of its website using cookies,
  • Unsolicited commercial contacts and, with prior consent, direct marketing communications, and
  • Creation of statistics and other general, anonymised information to enhance products and service.

ECOMOTIVE stores your data for as long as it is operationally or legally necessary, including:

  • Up to ten years after we have been contacted about our business relationship,
  • Until you instruct us to delete your data, which we will do subject to the retention of data necessary for relevant business purposes, e.g. accounting, services and legal requirements, or,
  • Up to ten years after the conclusion of a genuine or potential legal dispute concerning the client.

ECOMOTIVE receives personal data from its customers, employees, and e.g. directories, data brokers.

ECOMOTIVE processes the following types of personal data of employees in our suppliers:

  • Names, job titles, and task functions
  • Professional address
  • Other contact information, e.g. telephone numbers and e-mail addresses

Processing legal basis: ECOMOTIVE as a client processes this personal data for:

  • Comply with its contractual obligations towards suppliers and exercise its contractual rights,
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements as a customer, e.g. reference to tax authorities, customs, health and safety services, environmental authorities, law enforcement agencies and,
  • Tackling legal issues arising from its business relationships.

Furthermore, ECOMOTIVE processes this data because of its legitimate interest in maintaining and strengthening its relations with suppliers in order to acquire or consider acquiring their products and services, including repair and maintenance.

In addition, ECOMOTIVE receives and processes reports from third-party due diligence service providers, due diligence reports for suppliers and other relevant business partners, covering the legal compliance and risks of SSE, e.g. records of media coverage and the general reputation of the public.

When a business relationship has begun, ECOMOTIVE monitors its business partner’s compliance with applicable laws, e.g. anti-corruption laws and the provisions of our agreement.

Due diligence monitoring may include the personal data of key individuals associated with business partners.

Legal basis for due diligence and monitoring of data processing:

  • ECOMOTIVE has an important legitimate interest in knowing the background of potential business partners before agreeing to cooperate in order to adequately assess legitimate risks and reputations,
  • ECOMOTIVE also has an important legitimate interest in knowing the legal or reputational risks it may face as a result of a breach of laws, standards of conduct or contractual duties,
  • Contracts with business partners contain legal obligations of compliance and conduct, and
  • ECOMOTIVE should be aware of the legal risks arising from the business partner’s background and ongoing actions in its relationship with ECOMOTIVE in relation to potential or actual legal claims, including from relevant law enforcement authorities and other government agencies, e.g. anti-corruption, trade sanctions, competition laws.
  • The abovementioned interests significantly outweigh the privacy interests of individuals. Due diligence obtained from third parties shall be maintained as confidential information made available only to employees and third-party consultants, e.g. legal advisers, on an emergency basis.

ECOMOTIVE stores your data for as long as it is operationally or legally necessary, including:

  • Up to ten years after our communication about our business relationship ·
  • Until you instruct us to delete your data, which we will do subject to the retention of data necessary for relevant business purposes, e.g. accounting, services and legal requirements (Note: deleting your data may mean that our business relationship ends if we can no longer contact you) or
  • Up to 10 years after the conclusion of a factual or potential legal dispute concerning the seller.

ECOMOTIVE receives personal data from its suppliers and employees.

Other business partners, e.g. consultants, representatives, potential partners:

ECOMOTIVE processes personal data for these types of third parties in the same way as for customers and suppliers, as well as for the same commercial, contractual and legal purposes

Notification and transfer of data:

ECOMOTIVE shares business partner data based on the need to know, within its organization and with specific data processors.

Customers: your data will generally be available at the following points within ECOMOTIVE: Greece

ECOMOTIVE will also share your personal data with third-party merchants of its products in your local area so that they can contact you about possible business activities. You may opt out of this service by sending an email to

Suppliers, other business partners: your data is accessible to ECOMOTIVE and relevant third-party business partners, unless otherwise agreed. You may opt out of this service by sending an email to

General: ECOMOTIVE will share the relevant data as required with third parties involved in supporting its operations, e.g. accounting, logistics, insurance, quality control, product and service enhancement, customer loyalty monitoring

Your rights regarding your personal data.

The GDPR, where appropriate, grants certain rights relating to the processing of ECOMOTIVE data. Contact the legal department of ECOMOTIVE if you wish to exercise the following rights, as appropriate, regarding your data:

  • Request access to the personal data that ECOMOTIVE has for you and receive a copy of it.
  • Ask ECOMOTIVE to correct or update your data if our information is inaccurate.
  • Ask ECOMOTIVE to stop or restrict the processing of your data to the extent possible when correcting errors, including: stopping unsolicited contacts or direct marketing communications.
  • Under certain circumstances, request data portability, e.g. to provide your staff in PDF format or transmit data to another data controller, if technically feasible.
  • Request deletion of your personal data if certain conditions are met.
  • Withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data that will be effective from the moment of withdrawal.

ECOMOTIVE will comply with your requests as far as possible, subject to:

  • Its obligations under laws and agreements,
  • Record-keeping practices, including the retention of the necessary business documents,
  • Its legal interests, including those related to potential legal claims.

All of this may limit ECOMOTIVE’s ability to fully comply with your request. You can also contact the national data protection agency with questions or complaints about the processing of your personal data by ECOMOTIVE.

If you have any questions, please contact with the responsible of compliance at